Japan Earthquake Video

Here is the link to the National Geographic film on the Japan earthquake.

All the Blue Planet Assignments

There has been some confusion about what assignment goes with which video. Below is a list of blog posts that need to be completed for each video.

Open Ocean: Create a blog post describing a unique aspect of the ocean.

Frozen Seas: Choose one animal in the video. Discuss the biotic and abiotic adaptations that allow it to survive in the Arctic or Antarctic.

Seasonal Seas: Choose one organism in the video and discuss the food web it is a part of. What eats it? What does it eat?

The Deep: Choose one animal from each of the photic zones (aphotic, dysphotic and euphotic) and discuss each one's adaptations for life in that zone.

Coral Seas: Describe the relationship between two organisms in the video. Be sure to discuss how each benefits from the relationship.

Sea Surface Maps for Your Currents Lab

When the lab asks you to look at the sea surface temperatures for January and July, use these pictures.

Windward On

Today, get the Currents Lab finished up.

As your quiz, go here and get yourself sailed around the world.