Water, Water, Everywhere

You have two blog posts over water. Keep in mind that these are assignments that should be telling me whether or not you understand the concepts involved.

1) Get (preferably take) a picture that shows the properties of cohesion, adhesion and surface tension. Write at least two good sentences for each picture describing how it exhibits these properties.

2) Answer the appropriate question from your handout.

The Amazing Octopus

Okay, I can't help it. I am simultaneously fascinated and creeped out by the sight of an octopus. They are just so weird.

Wait a minute...a SIX HUNDRED POUND OCTOPUS??????

If you are having trouble viewing through here, go to the original National Geographic site.

Another As of Today

The Awesome Ocean assignment has two parts.
1. The first one is the 3:10 to Earth that we did at the very beginning. You need three slides in a Google presentation about something new you learned while doing the worksheet. You also need to have a short description about each slide.
2. The second part is the Open Ocean blog post. What did you find most interesting about the video.

Plate Tectonics also has two parts to it.
1. We took a quiz.
2. You also created a map of the ocean floor along a certain latitude line. In a blog post, discuss the plates and the plate boundaries that your latitude line crosses. What type of geologic structures can you see?

The Frozen Seas blog post asked you to choose an animal in the video and discuss the biotic and abiotic adaptations the animal has that allow it to survive in the Arctic or Antarctic.

Here is how I am grading your blog posts. Remember that these are essentially writing assignments!

Blog Post Grading
4 – Exceptional
Post answers the question provided
Post is original, thoughtful and provides insight to your learning
Post refers to specific examples used in class or external sources (internet, video)
Post is thoughtful and coherent and well organized
Post uses examples, pictures, videos, research, and external links
Post uses correct grammar and spelling
Post is titled appropriately

3 – Satisfactory
Post is missing one or more of the above, but still shows understanding and a thoughtful response

2 – Underdeveloped
Post is more of a description, summary or bullet list of ideas
Enough errors in conventions that it is distracting from the writing

1 – Limited
Post is a legitimate attempt to answer the question, but does not show real evidence of learning
General description that could describe any situation

0 – No Credit
Post is missing or just a couple hurried sentences so you can say you got it done