My Intelligences

So, I took the Multiple Intelligences test. My music smart was low. That was totally expected. I can't carry a tune to save my life. Linguistics was really high, a little higher than I thought. Logical, intrapersonal and naturalistic...right where I thought they might be.

The shocker came with the Interpersonal. This is how I interact with other people.

I scored lower on it than I did on the music.

I am a teacher.

With low interpersonal skills.

Any thoughts???

When You are Finished...

Hey, great job everyone getting all set up in Google world. If you haven't heard, gmail is being cranky right now, so be patient. If you can't send me an email right away, you can do that later. The other applications in Google don't seem to be affected, so just keep plugging away with those assignments.

I am gone today for cross country, so you have Mrs. Tischauser as your sub. Obviously, if you are reading this in class, you know that you will be working in the library. Today you will finish all the Google stuff you started yesterday.

When you have finished your Multiple Intelligence test, add a new post to your blog. The last question on Tuesday's currents lab will be your text. This is a summary of what you have learned in this lab. A conclusion. It should be well thought out and show that you understand how ocean currents are related to global wind patterns.

Once you have that posted, you need start following your classmates' blogs. You will need to talk to them and locate their blog. Anyone who started following me yesterday is now being followed by me and that blog is posted on the right side of the class blog. You can get to those blogs from there. At the end of the hour, you should be following 13 blogs, plus any outside ones you found yesterday.

Your assignment today is to make a comment on two of your classmates' blogs about their conclusion. If the conclusion is perfect, write that. If it lacks a bit of information or draws the wrong conclusion, point that out. This is constructive criticism. Do not write anything in the comments that you would not want written in yours.

You will be graded on your original post as well as the two comments you have made on your classmates' blogs. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are a part of your grade, so pay attention to what you are doing.

Should you accomplish all of THAT. Mrs. Tischauser has a Nike Shoe Lab for you to do.

To Know Yourself...

The Burning question that I would like you to answer in your blog is........

What type of learner are you ?

To answer this I would like you to take the Multiple Intelligences survey linked below. Record your scores in the different learning styles in a new post in your blog and write a short reaction to the results. Do you agree? How can this help you in your classwork?

Multiple Intelligences Test



This is a test.

This is only a test.

I am writing out instructions on how to create a blog.

Please don't ask me why there is nothing here :)